

Museummaker funded and maintains the following networks

Erfgoed 2.0 (Heritage 2.0)

Erfgoed 2.0 is a blog about (digital) innovations, storytelling, narrative approaches, engagement, inclusiveness and participatory community development in museums, funded in 2007. Erfgoed 2.0 is also active on social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Slideshare and more.

Erfgoedzaak  (entrepreneurship for museums)

Erfgoedzaak, part of Erfgoed 2.0, is a network for entrepreneurship, strategy, business model innovation and social responsibility for museums and other heritage institutions.

Collectiewijzer (Collections Guide / Management)

Collectiewijzer is a network for art historians and collection managers about art history research, preservation, care, management, digitization and restoration of museum and archive collections. 

Inheritage is a network for archaeologists and other heritage professionals about heritage interpretation, presentation and communication, especially on the topics of archaeology, historic cities and sites.


Makermuseum is a network for (smaller) museum professionals, helping them to actualize and vitalize their museum by introducing maker movement, maker education & presentation and the social impact of it.

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